How to learn Somali language?

Somali is a beautiful language spoken by millions of people in Somalia and other parts of the Horn of Africa. If you’re interested in learning Somali, here are some tips to help you get started by Tutor Abdirahman Abzi, Somali online and offline tutor for more than 5 years.

Start with the basics:

Like any language, Somali has its own unique alphabet, grammar rules, and vocabulary. Start by learning the Somali alphabet and basic grammar structures such as sentence order, verb conjugation, and I’d highly recommend to start with learning Somali language writing reading course!

Find a language partner:

Practicing speaking Somali with a native speaker is one of the best ways to improve your language skills. You can find language partners online through language exchange websites or apps on social media like Facebook and Tiktok because in Somalia we use Facebook almost every minute and as easily you can get more than hundreds of friends to practise the language with. Take as an example for me I made a fake Facebook profile back in 2016/17 so that I can get people to text and speak with English because here in Somalia we don’t speak other languages except Somali so I made that profile and got more than 117 friends to speak with English haha 🙂 click here to see the profile.

And I also recommend you book live 101 classes with Somali native speakers or join their free weekly group meetings, for example, you can now book my weekly live classes here!

Use language-learning resources:

There are many resources available online and in print to help you learn Somali, including textbooks, online courses, and many more. The most popular Somali resources are in online and you can write in Amazon ‘Somali language books’ or check out my Somali free resources here!

Immerse yourself in the language:

Surrounding yourself with Somali language content can help you improve your listening and comprehension skills. Listen to Somali audio books, watch Somali movies or TV shows, and read Somali news articles or books.

Practice regularly: 

Consistency is key when it comes to language learning. Set aside time each day to practice Somali, whether it’s through listening, speaking, or reading. Even just 15-30 minutes of practice each day can make a big difference in your language skills over time.

Join a language-learning community:

Joining a language-learning community can provide additional support and motivation as you learn Somali. You can find Somali language communities on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, or you can easily join my WhatsApp ‘Baro Somali group’!

In conclusion, learning Somali can be a rewarding experience that opens up new opportunities for communication and cultural exchange. By following these tips and staying committed to your language learning goals, you can make progress in your Somali language skills and deepen your understanding of Somali culture.

If you find this article very helpful, please share with other students and leave a comment for more tips you use or worked for you, Nabadgelyo 🙂

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